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Alliums are ornamental members of the Amaryllidaceae family, sub-family Alliodeae, that also includes their culinary cousins onions, garlic, chives and leeks. Most allium species grow best in temperate climates and, being classed as hardy through to very hardy (H4 – H7), can generally readily withstand the cold of UK winters.

There is now an abundance of varieties with an extensive range of sizes. Flower colours range from shades of purple and blue through to yellow and white. The flowers form an umbel, usually in the shape of a ball, at the top end of a smooth stalk, with head sizes typically ranging from that of a golf ball (Sphaerocephalon ‘Drumstick’) through that of a tennis ball (Hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’) up to football-sized (Schubertii). The flowers’ rounded open form makes them particularly accessible and attractive to bees and pollinating insects. Heights can range from miniature species less than 10 cm tall, that can be planted in rockeries, through to varieties up to 150 cm that can stand tall at the backs of borders. Bulb sizes are correspondingly varied ranging from about 1 cm to over 20 cm in circumference.

We supply customers with optimum-sized bulbs from our Gold Medal-Winning collection, individually or in packs of 3 or 10 depending upon size and price, that we deliver from September through to November ready for seasonal planting. Our single standard charge for postage and packaging applies for all allium orders.

Our Allium BULBS are available from SEPTEMBER until NOVEMBER

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