Nanus Gladioli Cultivation

These corms are ready for planting any time from March/April with flowering mid June onwards.

Gladioli like to be planted in a sandy soil, place about 1/2” sand in the bottom of the hole and a light covering over the corm. Corms should be planted 4-5” deep and 6” apart;

If planting in a heavy clay based soil: dig a hole twice as big as the planting area and 6” deeper. Mix soil with a coarse sand before planting corms. Place some mixed soil and sand in the hole and plant your corms on this, then cover your corms with the remaining soil mix.

During growing season feed the gladioli with a top dressing of Vitax Q4 monthly. During prolonged periods of warm/very dry weather gladioli may require additional watering.

Nanus gladioli can also be cultivated in containers in multi purpose compost with added john innes.