Care & Cultivation Of Your Dahlia Tubers

Upon arrival remove the tubers from the bags and place in a frost free but airy place.

Starting your Tubers indoors
Before planting the tuber in the compost it is best to trim of some of the fine roots from around the tubers. This will help to encourage new root from the plumper tubers. Half fill a 2ltr pot with a well drained peat free compost and place tuber on top. Cover the tuber with a further inch of compost and water once. Place in a frost free or heated greenhouse. In approximately 3 weeks you should start to see shoots. As the shoots develop add further compost into the pot. Dahlias are frost tender and as such cannot be planted outdoors until all risk of frost has passed.

Planting directly into the ground
Store tubers in a frost free well, ventilated place until early April. Cultivate the area to be planted up, adding some leaf mould or peat free compost. The tubers should be planted approximately 3” deep on a bed of compost and covered. To encourage growth cover the planted area with horticultural fleece. Shoots should start to appear early May. Earth up around the shoots as they start to grow.

Growing on

During the growing season (June/July) the dahlias will increase in size quickly. Keep a look out for slugs. Feeding should be done weekly to encourage healthy growth. Staking may be required. Dead head to encourage more flowers.

If you need further advice please contact us.